Barbara Chen Sculpture.JPG - 15482 Bytes

Sculptures Available for Enlargement

Most of these sculptures are sold out or nearly sold out in the pictured tabletop size.
Requests for commissioned enlargements are welcome.

abbondanzaT.jpg - 3605 Bytes Abbondanza Prelude preludeT.jpg - 5190 Bytes
Andante andanteT.jpg - 5052 Bytes    
  Encore encoreT.jpg - 5276 Bytes  
ReverieT.jpg - 4425 BytesReverie Capriccio capriccoT.jpg - 4835 Bytes

Back.jpg - 1605 Bytes Please feel free to contact me at: Main2.JPG - 4074 Bytes

©2000 Barbara Chen. All rights reserved. Last update on 2/6/2000.